Saturday, January 28, 2006


With fingers curled, uncertain, yes
This unworthy hand stretches forth
Do I see what I, but, oh no
Surely not from you, not for me
Study, I would, your sultry eyes
Plumb their furthest inner reaches

And, ah, do you reach too, trembling
Or in your eyes a reflection
I see, reaching, tentatively
And if I dare, and if I dare
Will you run like a frightened deer
Or bite the hand that feeds, that bleeds

Or if not, oh if not, what then
If my touch should go unchallenged
Still trepedatious will I be
For then, after all is said
And sighs and ohs and "yes, I do"
Will the flesh still flame the same

But who am I to think of that
No promises, oh, make me none
For who am I, there is no us
Not yet, not yet, and gently now
I stretch forth, slowly forth, to you
Please, don't run away, don't run, don't

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